Russell Tenzing Campbell
13 min readDec 12, 2020

Why You Should Hope Joe Biden is the Greatest President of all Time, but Reject These Laughable Calls for “Unity” and “Healing”

“I think one way to get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. Sorry if that hurts people but its either root for a recession or lose your democracy,” Bill Maher said on June 8th of 2018, to his audience, on Real Time with Bill Maher.

June 8th, 2018 — approximately a year and a half after Trump’s 2017 inauguration. Trump had fifteen months to prove the Legacy Media right: that he was a dictator, that he wanted to start a white ethnostate, that he was a screaming racist, and that he was a threat to our democracy. But with none of those things coming to pass, Bill — and those of his ilk — resorted to actively rooting against the country as a means to getting Trump out of office.

How many times have you heard that line regurgitated over the past four years? He’s a threat to our democracy. From Don Lemon and Rachel Maddow, to Hollywood celebs, musicians and Athletes… he’s a threat to our democracy. Our Democracy.

Our Democracy.

As Moral Authoritarianism has shifted away from the Republican Party (due mostly to the quickly-fading Evangelical wing of the party) and has moved firmly into the center and the left of the Democratic Party, one thing has become common place: adding a preposition before the word “democracy.”

“Sorry if that hurts people but its either root for a recession or lose your democracy,” Bill Maher said, to his audience that he’s spent 30 years cultivating.

I don’t hate Bill Maher. And it would be unfair to classify/dismiss him as some “woke idiot” or an “SJW.” He regularly does segments, pointing out how, at the very least, the woke-left is costing the Democratic Party votes. But that’s why he’s such a great example. Even though he recognizes the insane purity spiral the Left has gone on, he would still rather the country go into a recession if it meant Donald Trump wouldn’t win re-election. Because he’s a threat to “Your democracy.”

Your democracy.

Trump — in Maher’s mind — isn’t a threat to, just democracy, but to a specific democracy. Specifically, the democracy of the Real Time audience… to an audience that is largely ideologically allied with Bill.

When someone says Your Democracy, or Our Democracy, what they really mean is, My Democracy. 18 months into Trump’s presidency, Maher is convinced that a recession is a justifiable means to an end, because Trump is a threat to…

Bill Maher’s way of life. Bill Maher’s view on the United States, and the world as a whole. He is a threat to Bill Maher’s personal ideology. To Bill’s Democracy. To Bill — as well as most urban/cosmopolitan democrats and their cultural leaders in academia and entertainment — the Democracy of the United States of America (in reality, a Republic) is failing if it’s not advancing their personal ideological ideals.

Why am I brining this up? Why did I just pound the keys on my rose gold MacBook for 450 words (roughly 1.5 beers) about a woefully stupid and short-sighted comment Bill Maher made over 2 years ago?

Because Bill Maher represents everything the Left has become: a bunch of people who, at worst, are so depraved they’re willing to destroy the very fabric of the United States to achieve their political goals. And at best, a bunch of spineless cowards who are so afraid of dealing with the social consequences of *gasp* publicly not being in lock-goose-step with the Democratic Party to their circle of friends, they’ll sit idly by, complicit while the country, and its most prominent institutions, gets utterly mutilated.

And because Bill Maher has done the one thing that will lead to the ruination of this country: he’s submitted to the Moral Authoritarian Left. Despite the laughable criticism he’s received for his otherwise rational thoughts on things like the woke left and different sets of goals posts the left has for the major religions of the world, he’s still bent the knee in submission. Despite knowing that he’s standing 100% on firm ground, he’s still taken a knee in submission.

But what does submission have to do with healing and unity? Take my hand and come find out.

“To those who voted for President Trump, I understand your disappointment tonight. I’ve lost a couple of elections myself. But now, let’s give each other a chance. Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end, here and now, “Joe Biden said on November 7th, four days after the same media that inundated Americans with “you have to accept the fact this election isn’t going to be normal” are now berating anyone that isn’t falling in line with traditional post-election normalcy.

“With the campaign over,” Biden continued, “It’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation,” Biden said. “It’s time for America to unite. And to heal.”

Healing and Unity.

As soon as the words left Biden’s mouth, it became a meme. It became a meme because people from both sides — albeit for different reasons — know it’s a ridiculous proposition.

People who voted for Trump think it’s a laughably ridiculous proposition for a number of obvious reasons:

The individual members that make up “The Left” — along with every Legacy Media outlet (sans Fox News [up until the premature calling of AZ]), the whole of Academia, the whole of Big Tech, and the whole of Entertainment (you know, literally every major institution America has outside of the Military) — have done everything in their power to discredit Trump, and attack anyone who dare supported him, for four years to truly astonishing levels.

Hillary Clinton (the most qualified person to be President of all time) sat back and called him illegitimate for 4 years… her acolytes agreeing with every word.

Big Tech has sat back while Trump supporters and Conservatives (and non-affiliated people who think the Left has gone crazy) on their platforms have been doxxed by Antifa and BLM and have done nothing about it (all the while, they regularly get “fact checked” on posts that start with “I think…” and regularly get banned for anything and everything, typically under the all-encompassing guise of Hate Speech).

Academia has created and cultivated an environment so poisonous for non-leftists that you feel safer coming out as an avowed communist who can openly hate all white people than you would as a Republican.

The media has sunk to Pre-WWI, Yellow-Journalism days of depravity, convincing their acolytes that every Trump supporter is basically a literal Nazi that was snatched up from a time machine (typified with Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic kids being smeared as Hitler Youth despite 45 minutes of cursory journalism that wouldn’t have required you to leave your bedroom was all it would have taken to know they got the story totally ass-backwards).

And of course, there’s the “mostly-peaceful” BLM protests that have now resulted in 4 billion dollars of business, residential and infrastructure damage as well as nearly 40 lives being lost, and the carte blanch hall pass every major institution, lots of Democratic politicians (including both Biden and Harris) and nearly every individual member of The Left.

That’s right, the group of people who have spent four years telling you that “silence is violence” and “speech is violence” are celebrating as our cities burn, as our citizens are murdered, as our statues and monuments are torn down, and all justified because… well, I would try and regurgitate their mental gymnastics into words, but I don’t want my laptop’s hard drive to spontaneously combust.

And now, they — as well as the politicians and the institutions who gave them cultural and political hall passes — are calling for “healing and unity?”

After they had a ~35 million dollar, 2.5 year witchvestigation based off of what amounted to a single affidavit, they have the audacity to dismiss thousands of affidavits, a dozen of cases of video evidence, gross statistical anomalies, and election-night-reporting that poll watchers were sent home as “baseless.”

So it’s easy understand why the non-Left thinks these calls are laughable. But why would the Left think so?

Because the Left doesn’t want unity, they want submission.

Any peace deal in the real world, from geopolitical to marriage counseling, always starts with the same principal: both parties have to offer something up. It’s why in marriage counseling, the first step is getting both the husband and the wife to admitting to something they can do better.

So what is the Left going to offer up in their calls for healing and unity; what is the Left going to offer up in the peace deal?

Ask them to admit that BLM and Antifa are responsible the rioting, the looting, the burning and the murder. Are the people offering up peace willing to conditionally (the condition being that obviously not all members of BLM are okay with the rioting and the murdering, but that they didn’t do nearly enough to stop it [after all, if it’s not enough to passively be not racist, you have to be actively anti-racist, then it’s also not enough to be passively not rioting, you have to be anti-riot]) condemn BLM and Antifa?

If they aren’t… if they start to perform the gold-medal-level mental gymnastics and give you some self-aggrandizing speech about slavery or some bullshit, then they don’t want healing and unity, they want… submission.

And after you think about it, it should make perfect sense. Submission gets the Left closer to their political and ideological goals than healing and unity does.

Don’t believe me? Have you stopped to ask yourself why BLM and Antifa rioted even after all the officers were arrested and charged? They were on the precipice of a landmark moment for their movement. Every major conservative voice — from Ben Shapiro to Sean Hannity, from Tucker Carlson to Steven Crowder — offered wholesale condemnation of the officer’s actions and were calling for police reform. But it wasn’t enough. And why? Because unity (what you saw for 48–72 hours after George Floyd’s death) doesn’t bring them closer to their political goals.

Because the goal of the Left is to tear America down to the studs and rebuild some bastardized version of it. And you don’t get that with unity and healing. But you do get that with submission.

And if you don’t believe me, one need only look to what has happened in our society over the past four years in regards to everyone’s favorite thing to hate — cancel culture.

The Left — or as I referred to them in my last article, the Moral Authoritarians — are responsible for the genesis of the phenomena known as cancel culture. It started out as mostly online mobs of people who are still bitter about their high school experience weaponizing their collective sad bitterness into ruining people’s lives, but it has morphed into something much, much more than that.

The Moral Authoritarian Left has used cancel culture to transform nearly every major institution this country has into some bastardized version of its former self…

Academia, once the bastion for free speech and the investigation of ideas, is now nothing more than an ivory echo chamber, where every professor and administrator that isn’t gleefully ushering the bastardization, walks around on a daggers edge, hoping and praying that the vermin they are teaching don’t turn their swords upon them over any minor transgression.

Entertainment. While it’s always been a repugnant meat market with a suffocating vapidness, Hollywood was the shining star of cinema and television across the world. It was — in many ways — one of the crown jewels of capitalism. The free-market entertainment industry of America gave us Film Noir, an entire dreary genre that reflected the attitude towards our government after The Great Depression. Or the Post-Vietnam film era, where many of our greatest film makers (Francis Ford Coppola, Stanley Kubrick, Oliver Stone) made their marks by making films that were highly critical of the Vietnam War and the United States Government (something that would have landed all three men in a gulag in an opposing style of governance). Now, the content and quality of a film is vastly less important than filling gender and racial quotas, and Hollywood happily participates in self-censorship, regularly altering content to make it China friendly so they can rake in those sweet, sweet CCP Mao Bucks.

And even the great meritocracy that is professional athletics isn’t safe. In a time where the entire world was starved for sports due to a global pandemic, the woke virtue signaling of the NBA (and it’s laughable canonization and martyr-elevating of outright literal criminals) resulted in the lowest rated NBA finals ever. On a college football game a couple Saturdays ago (11/28/20), Vanderbilt replaced their injured kicker with Sarah Fuller, a female soccer player. She played for one play. She kicked a squib kick on the opening half kick-off. And, I’m not fucking joking with what I’m about to say, she won SEC PLAYER OF THE WEEK for it. Oh, and she also got up and gave the team a half-time speech (when Vandy was down 21–0) that the players weren’t showing enough effort.

The Left has even ruined sports thanks to a bunch of spineless billionaires bending the knee.

And during the bastardization of all these American institutions, what has been the Left’s best weapon? An apology. Ask yourself this… how many people has the mob came after for some stupid transgression, only to force some pathetic public apology out of him or her? And of those apologies, how many times has an apology saved that person’s job? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone? It’s basically zero.

It’s because the Left isn’t looking for some sort of personal growth (which — for the record — 95% of the time, no personal growth would even be necessary) out of the transgressor, they’re looking for an apology because it’s an admission of guilt. And an admission of guilt gives them all the ammunition they need to put their head under the guillotine.

To apologize to the left… is to submit.

Every person who apologies for some twelve-year old tweet is doing nothing but submitting to the mob. And then he loses his head for it. And then the institution he was a part of becomes a bastardized skinsuit of its former self.

You can let go of my hand now, we’ve arrived at fork in the long, winding road.

As AOC, The Squad and their dutiful zealots call for “Truth and Reconciliation” panels, and those tweets gets tens of thousands of retweets and hundreds of thousands of likes, people you know — on a personal or professional level — now have the gall to call for healing and unity.

My friends, the calls for healing and unity — without anything tangible offered in return — is a call for submission;

And my friends, there is only one institution remaining for the Moral Authoritarian Left to take over: The United States of America.

You’ve seen what submitting has done to Academia. You’ve seen what’s it’s done to entertainment. Hell, you’ve seen what it’s done in Corporate America.

The Bill Maher’s of the world will happily root for economic ruin if it sees their political goals come to pass as he calls for healing and unity, for our democracy.

To submit to the calls for healing and unity — without anything tangible placed on the table in return — will turn the United States into what Academia, Athletics and Entertainment have been turned into: a bastardized, grotesque, empty sink-hole version of it’s former self.

I hope Joe Biden is the greatest President of all time. I hope his policy ushers in a new era of economic prosperity. I hope the middle and lower class continues to see their economic statuses improve as they have over the past 4 years. I hope Biden firmly comes out as pro 1A and 2A, telling the left that his campaign was all talk to help him get elected.

But the calls from his supporters for healing and unity…

If you believe that America — while flawed — is worth fighting for; If you believe America is better off an economic and intellectual free market; If you believe America is better off with a robust 1st and 2nd Amendment; If you believe Hollywood should get back to making movies that doesn’t self-censor for Moa Bucks; If you believe that Academia should get back to being the free market of ideas; If you believe that Athletics shouldn’t hand out participation trophies to someone because they lack a penis, then…

You should tell them to take their healing and unity, and to shove it so far up their ass that they choke on it.

There might be a day that America dies, but if it is to put to pasture, then make sure goes out like a warehouse filled with powder-kegs being set on fire, not with a pathetic whimper.

If America is going to die and turn into some toothless plutocracy that gapes it’s asshole open for China… if America is going to turn into Their Democracy, then make them beat you into submission to do it. Make them come for you in your sleep. Make them drag you out of your bedroom kicking and screaming. Fight back with so much virulence that you make them bash your fucking skull in with the butt of a few rifles as they’re pushing you up against the blood stained stone wall. And if you have any teeth left, and a functioning tongue, scream as many obscenities as you possibly can before the .726's rain into your body.

Do not submit.

Do not kneel.

You come back with your shield, or go out on it.



Russell Tenzing Campbell

Former U.S. Navy Diver. USC Trojan (Fight On). Writer. 90s internet troll.